Arrange all ingredients for use.

Halve the passion fruit and scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon into a blender.

Add the orange juice, puree everything briefly so that the pulp dissolves from the seeds and as few seeds as possible are crushed.

Pour the fruit mixture through a fine sieve and discard the seeds.

Throw away the seeds in the sieve.

Boil the wine with the sugar in a pan, stirring regularly, until syrupy. Place the pan in a bowl of iced water and stir until cold.

Mix the passion fruit mixture with the wine syrup.

Cover with foil and freeze for 4 hours.

Stir the mixture in the freezer every 20-30 minutes to break up the ice crystals. Alternatively, the sorbet mixture can be frozen and churned in an ice cream machine.

Thaw the sorbet about 10 minutes before serving. Scoop out portions with a hot spoon and place into small dessert bowls or glasses. Garnish with raspberries and mint to taste.