Turn your cooling appliance into a fitness fridge
Isn’t sport enjoying a glorious comeback this summer? We’re all hooked. Right now we’re still recovering from the emotional rollercoaster of searing ups and downs that was Wimbledon, the Euros and Lewis Hamilton’s eighth British Formula 1 Grand Prix victory. Blimey.
The biggest event is yet to come. No, not your couch to 5k attempt. The 32nd Olympic Games are currently taking place in Tokyo and the Paralympic Games get underway on 24 August.
So about that couch to 5k. A recent study has found 90 percent of Brits have set a fitness or health goal now lockdown restrictions have been lifted. It’s true, with sport on the telly and freedoms regained a staggering majority of us are embracing a healthy new start. The London Marathon is looming in October after all. There’s no better time to get in shape.

Where does Liebherr come in? Well, as the saying goes: abs really are made in the kitchen. To help you feel fitter and healthier and maybe become the running champ you’ve always been (somewhere deep inside) we have asked nutritionist Charlotte Faure Green to help.
“It cannot be denied that how you fuel your body both before and after a workout is extremely important,” Charlotte says. “If you’re an elite athlete, you’re likely getting the nutrition coaching you need for your performance, but if you are amongst the other 99.9% of humans who just want to move better and feel fitter, the internet can be awash with contradictory information.”
Here Charlotte shares five simple rules on how to power your workout with the contents of your fridge. We’ve added some useful info on how your Liebherr appliance can help.
Don’t skip your pre-workout meal
Charlotte says: “Eating 30 minutes to three hours before your session is ideal. It means you’re not digesting whilst on the treadmill or pounding those pavements, but you have enough in the tank to give you the energy boost you need.”
Thanks to SoftSystem, Liebherr fridge doors always close gently and quietly, even if force is applied. And they are quite responsive: Telescopic rails on which drawers – or the practical pull-out shelf with bottle holders – slide back and forth with ease. This means you can get up early for a pre-workout snack or breakfast without disturbing your family.
Talking of energy, we still need carbs!
Charlotte says: “We break carbohydrates down into glucose, which is then stored as energy in our body. Eat carbs pre-workout for quick energy intake. But opt for complex carbs such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, beans, fruits and veg over simple carbs (processed foods and white bread). Complex carbs are absorbed slower giving you a more even energy spike.”
Liebherr’s BioFresh feature is the perfect all-rounder and it’s proven technology means food is stored at a temperature just above 0 °C, significantly cooler than in the rest of the appliance. With the perfect humidity, fruit and vegetables also stay fresh for even longer in the airtight Fruit & Vegetable safe. You can enjoy fresh smoothies and tasty sweet potatoes all week thanks to your fitness fridge!

Pair your carbs with a little protein
Charlotte says: “Your muscles are made of protein, so when you perform an activity that goes hard on them, like lifting weights, you create tiny tears in the muscle fibres. It’s necessary to patch up their growth with a little dietary protein, as it’s a natural process for them but beneficial for their development. Protein before a workout gives your muscles the fuel they need to heal faster. Go for lean meats like chicken breast, fish, nuts, eggs or some full-fat Greek yoghurt.”
The VarioSafe feature offers optimal space for smaller food items, such as eggs, while creating order. While VarioBoxes are pull-out boxes in the door for easy access to small food items.
Always refuel afterwards
Charlotte says: “Add in some more protein and complex carbs for post-workout SOS muscle repair, and to recharge your batteries (by topping up your energy stores). Two hours is your golden window for refuelling post-gym, but the sooner the better!”
The calm order inside your Liebherr fitness fridge will help you find the food you need to refuel in a hurry. The new fully integrated appliances offer space for a baking tray (a bit of batch cooking the night before perhaps) and the divisible glass shelf, with its effortless one-handed operation, creates space for tall containers such as protein shakes or smoothies. Boom!
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Charlotte says: “Make sure you’re going into your workout hydrated, add little sips of water throughout and a big splash afterwards. If you don’t love plain water, experiment with fruits, veg and fresh herbs (mint, cucumber and strawberry slices anyone?) and chill them in the fridge. Remember to include herbal teas in your goal, as long as they are not caffeinated.”
Did you know the HydroBreeze feature was inspired by the Salinas Valley in California? Due to the proximity to the cool Pacific Ocean, in the summer a fine, humid mist covers the valley and the fields and prevents the vegetables grown from drying out. Liebherr has applied this principle with a cold fresh mist released inside the BioFresh Professional safe every time the door opens to ensure crisp freshness. Get busy slicing up fresh fruit from your fitness fridge and enjoy with your chilled water.
Charlotte Faure Green is a BANT Registered Nutritionist, speaker, writer, and brand nutritional advisor. Find her on Instagram @charlottefauregreennutrition or charlottefauregreen.com.