Tofu can be so much more than just another food in your fridge. Learn all about the shelf life of tofu and how to store tofu properly. Then nothing stands in the way of creating delicious tofu-based recipe ideas. 

For a long shelf life: store tofu in the fridge

We recommend that you store both packaged tofu and open tofu in the refrigerator.

  • Opened tofu only stays fresh for one day at room temperature
  • Opened tofu stays fresh in the fridge compartment for up to four days
  • You can store open tofu in the BioFresh Meat & Diary safe in airtight packaging at just above 0 degrees for up to 10 days

Tofu products that are not refrigerated in shops can also be stored in the pantry at home, provided they are unopened.

Freeze-dried tofu products that are not stored refrigerated even in the supermarket, have a shelf life of many months even at room temperature.

Unopened, tofu will stay fresh and keep at least until the best-before date in the fridge. Studies have shown that tofu can even have a shelf life of up to four weeks in the fridge. You can find out how to assess the shelf life of your tofu in the next article.

Quick guide – storing tofu correctly:

  • It is best to store packaged and open tofu in airtight packaging in the BioFresh Meat & Dairy safe.
  • You can store open tofu in an airtight container in the fridge compartment for up to four days

Store tofu

Shelf life of tofu

You can extend the shelf life of tofu by several days by storing it correctly. If you want to store larger quantities, you can freeze tofu (Link to another new article Freezing tofu).

We have summarised the most important points for you to assess the shelf life of tofu:

  • Tofu normally has a very mild flavour and aroma. Spoilt tofu, on the other hand, becomes sour and bitter. The unpleasant odour is almost impossible to smell.
  • You may also notice a greasy surface and possibly even mould growth. If you notice these changes, you should no longer eat the tofu, but dispose of it.

Even if the product is still closed, there are signs that you can use to judge the shelf life of tofu. The packaging inflates and pressure builds up. Pickled tofu in brine also shows clear changes when it spoils. You can recognise flakes and a greasy surface.

Quick guide: assessing the shelf life of tofu

  • Clear sign for assessing the shelf life of tofu: if mould forms, throw the tofu away immediately
  • Spoilt tofu has a noticeable odour, and forms a greasy surface and flakes in the brine
  • If the packaging of tofu inflates and builds up pressure, the shelf life has expired

You can find out more about the production and properties of tofu in our article on tofu, the popular meat substitute.