Liebherr has received the 2017 European Innovation Impact Award at a ceremony in Brussels in September of last year. The German Center for Idea Management, ZI, conferred the award in the “Best Innovation Management” category.

Thomas Obererlacher, Thomas Kandolf and Helmuth Bauer accepted the award on behalf of Liebherr Appliances at ideasEurope in Brussels
The European Innovation Impact Award is given to organizations and companies honoring their affinity for innovation and inventiveness. At the ideasEurope conference in Brussels on September 27 and 28, 2017, Liebherr Hausgeräte received the awards for “Best Innovation Management”. European deputy Ulrike Müller considers ideasEurope “the ideal platform to share knowledge.”
Liebherr received the award for our “clear and strategic structuring of innovation management”, said Roland Rausch, managing director of ideasEurope. “The defined areas which Liebherr wants to develop further make for a very coherent system, which will play an important part in the company’s future”. The jury put emphasis on the structural basis of ideas- and innovation management and its importance in the company culture. Five other companies received awards in other categories.
The German Zentrum for Ideas Management, ZI, recommended Liebherr’s attendance at ideasEurope. “The award proves that we are on the right path with our existing structures and processes and that we bringing our ‘We are innovative’ principle to life within the appliances division”, said Helmuth Bauer, divisional director of R&D at Liebherr Appliances. Thomas Kandolf, innovation manager at Liebherr in Lienz, Austria proudly added: “We are thrilled to have received this award. It’s great to see that our innovation management can compete with that of other leading European companies. Our systematic approach to new ideas and how we develop those to innovative new products and services distinguishes us.”