Briefly blanch the spinach in boiling water, drain, rinse under cold water then drain, pressing well.

Finely chop the spinach.

Mix the spinach in a bowl with the ricotta, egg, and the peeled and chopped garlic. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste.

Mix well and taste.

Roll out the pasta dough very thinly (or roll the dough strips through a pasta machine). Place about 1 tsp of spinach filling on each half of a rolled pasta portion, all placed about 3cm apart from each other.

Carefully spread the pasta edges with the beaten egg.

Carefully roll the second half of the pasta over the fillings.

Press the spaces between the fillings with your fingers to seal.

Cut out the ravioli with a dough wheel.

Cook in a saucepan of boiling salted water.

Boil for 4-5 minutes. Carefully remove the cooked ravioli with a slotted spoon and drain.

Serve with grated cheese.