Le apparecchiature Liebherr sono integrabili nelle cucine in due modi: con cerniere autoportanti o a traino. La porta a traino è facilmente trasformabile in porta con cerniere. Le due tecniche consentono di integrare le apparecchiature da incasso Liebherr nell’ambiente cucina creando un’uniformità estetica.
Molti clienti commettono l’errore di non pensare subito a questo aspetto quando acquistano una nuova cucina. Noi vogliamo invece che tu sappia in anticipo cosa fare se vuoi pannellare la porta del tuo frigo o del tuo congelatore.
Montaggio con cerniere autoportanti:
Con la tecnica delle cerniere autoportanti, l’anta del mobile della cucina è saldamente fissata alla porta dell’apparecchiatura. Perciò, è la porta del frigo che regge il peso dell’anta del mobile.
Per maggiori informazioni, guarda il nostro video sul montaggio delle cerniere autoportanti:
This YouTube video is provided by Google*. If you load the video, your data - including your IP address - is transmitted to Google and may be stored and processed by Google inter alia in the USA. We have no influence over further data processing by Google.
By clicking on "Accept", you consent to the transmission of data to Google for this video in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR and at the same time expressly consent to the transfer of data to the USA in accordance with Art. 49 (1) (a) GDPR. If you no longer wish to consent to each YouTube video individually in the future and wish to be able to load the videos without this blocker, you can also select "Always accept YouTube" and thereby consent to the associated data transmissions and transfers to Google and to the USA for all other YouTube videos which you open on our website in the future. Please note that, in the opinion of the European Court of Justice, there does not currently exist an adequate level of data protection in line with EU standards in the USA, and at present we cannot provide suitable safeguards to protect your data and offset this shortcoming.
Possible risks to you of data transfer to the USA are that access by state authorities cannot be excluded and that your data could be processed for reasons of national security, criminal prosecution or for other purposes in the public interest of the USA, possibly without you being informed separately and without enforceable rights and effective means of redress being available to you.
You can withdraw consent that you have given at any time with future effect via the settings. For further information, please see our Data Protection Declaration and Google's Privacy Policy.
*Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland; Mutterunternehmen: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
Montaggio con porta a traino:
L’anta del mobile è fissata direttamente alla colonna tramite cerniere ed è collegata alla porta dell’apparecchiatura tramite una rotaia di scorrimento. L’anta si apre e si chiude scorrendo sulla rotaia. Il peso dell’anta è retto dalle cerniere del mobile, mentre il peso della porta del frigo è retto dalle cerniere dell’apparecchiatura.
Passare dal vecchio sistema con porta a traino al nuovo sistema Liebherr con cerniere autoportanti è semplice. Basta rimuovere tutte le cerniere dall’anta del mobile della cucina. L’anta così smontata può essere collegata direttamente alla porta del frigo utilizzando gli appositi accessori di montaggio. Il peso dell’anta del mobile è retto dal frigo. Esteticamente non si notano differenze tra porta a traino e cerniere autoportanti quando sono chiuse.
Per maggiori informazioni guarda il nostro video su come trasformare una porta a traino in una porta con cerniere autoportanti:
This YouTube video is provided by Google*. If you load the video, your data - including your IP address - is transmitted to Google and may be stored and processed by Google inter alia in the USA. We have no influence over further data processing by Google.
By clicking on "Accept", you consent to the transmission of data to Google for this video in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR and at the same time expressly consent to the transfer of data to the USA in accordance with Art. 49 (1) (a) GDPR. If you no longer wish to consent to each YouTube video individually in the future and wish to be able to load the videos without this blocker, you can also select "Always accept YouTube" and thereby consent to the associated data transmissions and transfers to Google and to the USA for all other YouTube videos which you open on our website in the future. Please note that, in the opinion of the European Court of Justice, there does not currently exist an adequate level of data protection in line with EU standards in the USA, and at present we cannot provide suitable safeguards to protect your data and offset this shortcoming.
Possible risks to you of data transfer to the USA are that access by state authorities cannot be excluded and that your data could be processed for reasons of national security, criminal prosecution or for other purposes in the public interest of the USA, possibly without you being informed separately and without enforceable rights and effective means of redress being available to you.
You can withdraw consent that you have given at any time with future effect via the settings. For further information, please see our Data Protection Declaration and Google's Privacy Policy.
*Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland; Mutterunternehmen: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
La tecnica che scegli dipende dal tipo di mobili che hai in cucina e dal modello di apparecchiatura, oltre che dalle tue preferenze personali.
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