climate rating

Refrigerators and freezers are designated a climate rating. This allows you to see at which ambient temperatures the appliance can be operated. You can find the climate rating of your Liebherr on its serial plate

It’s worth thinking about updating your refrigerator or freezer. New appliances offer many exciting features. They are also more energy efficient. These are important factors which should influence your buying decision. Also bear in mind where you plan to install the appliance. Be aware of the ambient temperature range in that area. Not all appliances are suitable for all ambient temperature ranges.

The Household Refrigerating Appliances standard IEC 62552 helps you with this. It specifies the characteristics of refrigerators and freezers and the test methods used in relation to them. Appliances are assigned one or more of four climate rating. The climate rating details the temperature ranges in which the appliance is suitable for use. For customers, the climate rating enables you to see the ambient temperature range in which the appliance will be able to maintain the necessary storage temperatures and operate as energy efficient as possible. For us as a global company, the climate rating are also extremely important. Liebherr sells refrigerators and freezers in almost every country of the world. Climate zones range from extremely cold to hot and humid.

The climate rating:

SN = Subnormal: suitable for use in ambient temperatures of 50°F to 90°F

N = Normal: suitable for use in ambient temperatures of 61°F to 90°F

ST =Subtropical: suitable for use in ambient temperatures of 61°F to 100°F

T = Tropical: suitable for use in ambient temperatures of 61°F to 109°F

If you keep a refrigerator or freezer outdoors or in your garage, it is important that you pay attention to the climate rating information on the appliance. Failure to do so can detrimentally affect the functioning and service life of your appliance, as well as its energy efficiency.

The majority of Liebherr appliances sold in the United States & Canada are rated SN-T. You can safely operate them at any temperature between 50°F and 109°F. North American climate extremes have been taken into consideration when our units for North America were designed. Our appliances are usually intended for indoor operation. It is unlikely you will ever operate your Liebherr at either end of these extremes over a long period of time. It’s comforting to know you could though, right?

What else should you consider regarding the climate rating?

If you have an appliance rated SN-T, it should not be used in temperature conditions below 50°F. The viscosity of the oil in the compressor will increase. With this loss of fluidity, optimal lubrication is no longer guaranteed. The compressor could be damaged. Check out our post on temporarily switching off your refrigerator if these conditions persist over a longer period of time.

Information about your appliance’s climate rating can be found on the serial plate and in the operating instructions.

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