Soak the beans in water overnight. Drain in a sievem then place in a pan, cover with water and bring to the boil. Cook for about 1 hour.

Wash the spring onions.
Cut diagonally into rings.

Wash, halve and deseed the peppers and chillies and cut into cubes or strips.
Cut Peppers in cubes, peppers cut into strips.

Finely chop the anchovies.

Squeeze the juice of the lemon.
Place in a bowl with the anchovies and olive oil.

Add the orange juice and hot peppers and crush in the garlic.

Season with salt and pepper and stir with a whisk.

Drain the beans.

Tip the beans into a bowl. Pour over the dressing and leave to cool slightly.

Wash the parsley, shake dry and cut into strips, reserving a few leaves for garnishing.
Drain the tuna and flake.
Drain the olives and add to the beans with the spring onions, parsley and peppers.

Add tuna, mix and season to taste. Serve on plates garnished with parsley.