Prepare all ingredients for use.

Melt the butter in a pan and remove from the heat.

Wash the herbs, shake dry and pluck the leaves from the stalks. Pour the vinegar and wine into a pan.

Add the herb stalks and bring to the boil.

Put the herbs on a cutting board.

Finely chop the herb leaves.

Crush the black pepper, add to the pan and let the liquid reduce to about 80ml.

Place the egg yolks in a heatproof bowl and pour in the reduced liquid through a sieve, whisking.

Set the bowl over a pan of hot water and whisk the sauce until creamy.

Bring to a creamy sauce while constant stirring.

Remove from the heat and add the warm melted butter, first in drops, then in a thin stream, until the sauce is shiny and creamy.

Mix in the herbs and season with salt and pepper.