To prepare the strawberry salad, in a small pan, toast almonds on a low flame for 4-5 minutes. Chop into halves.

Wash the lettuce leaves well and dry in a salad spinner or using cotton towels. Tear into bite sized pieces

Slice the strawberries.

Line a bowl with a layer of lettuce and top with strawberry slices.

Scatter chopped almonds and pomegranate seeds.

Top with a few leaves of fresh basil.

To prepare the dressing, transfer all the dressing ingredients into small mixer jar and blend until smooth and creamy.

Dress the salad using the strawberry olive oil dressing. Serve immediately.
Store nuts in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator so that they last longer.
To keep salad greens fresh for longer, wrap in a slightly damp cotton towel or thick kitchen paper and then place in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.