Arrange all ingredients for use.

Wash the potatoes and boil in salted water for 30 minutes. Drain, peel and cut into slices. Leave to cool.
Wash the beans and blanch in boiling salted water for 8 minutes. Then drain and plunge into iced water to stop cooking.
Peel the pears, quarter, remove the core and cut into slices.
Wash the dill, shake dry and finely chop.
Cook 4 rashers bacon in a dry pan until crispy. Drain on kitchen paper.
Cut the rest into strips. Peel and dice the onions. Saute the bacon strips and onion in 2 tbsp oil and pour in the stock and vinegar. Bring to the boil and simmer for 2 minutes.

Pour the dressing over the potatoes.

Mix gently. Add the remaining oil and season with salt and pepper.

Add the beans, pears and dill.

Cut the herrings into pieces and mix with the thyme and salad. Serve on plates garnished with bacon and savory.