Gooseberry – the term reminds us of the time when we used to break the outer seed of this fruit to eat the inner seed that acted like a mouth freshener! Gooseberry is popularly known as Amla in India.
But the botanical name of gooseberry is Ribes uva-crispa and it is available in four colors; red, white, green and yellow.
This fruit is a part of the currant family, and has its origin in Eurasia and North Africa, where it was first cultivated in England with historical records from the 13th century. Although it was once banned in the 19th century, because Ribes served as an intermediary host of white pine blister rust that was causing the death of trees.
But then the fruit had its irresistible allure! It might be strong enough to kill trees, but is sweet enough to make jam, especially when it’s rightly preserved in your Liebherr!

Gooseberry may sound like a cherry but it has more to do than just topping your cake. The acidic tart flavor of gooseberries depends on how ripe they are. The green coloured gooseberries have more of a sour taste, whereas the red ones have more of a sweet flavour. And with great ways of consuming it, this traditional fruit works wonders!
The texture of gooseberry is like a cherry tomato that is firm but thin, easily pierced with teeth or fork, and is juicy, pulpy and soft from inside. Pucker! Did you lick your lips too? Well we feel you!

However, we may wonder what makes gooseberries such a promising fruit? Its versatile nature. The plant allows a complete use of it, be it in the form of a seed, flower, leaves or fruit. This flavorful fruit not only tastes good with its tangy-tart flavor like a green apple, but it also has great benefits that helps in improving your health, hair and skin problems.
Let’s get into this right away to know how this fruit with varied names provides varied benefits:
Health Problems:
Want to reduce the risk of your health problems?
Benefits to Health:
Gooseberries help in lowering the risk of heart and cancer, control blood sugar level and liver damage, boost immunity and support health vision.
One can consume it plain with salt, boiled in water and turmeric, make amla pickle, drink it as juice or cook a delicious sabzi; this fruit will act as a home medicine.

Hair and Skin Problems:
Aging without age due to unwanted stress?
Benefits to Hair and Skin:
Due to their high Vitamin C content, gooseberries have promising anti-aging benefits. The antioxidant benefit helps in preventing breakdown of skin collagen. The extract of gooseberry also helps in hair growth and the enzymes present in it prevents hair loss.
Sun-dried gooseberries and leaves can be turned into powder and can be applied to your hair and skin.
One in a billion is this creation! Don’t believe us? This superfruit has excellent qualities that you may like or dislike, but you simply can’t ignore it. Though it may be a winter harvest fruit in India, it is easily available and consumable in any season due to its longevity especially when it is stored rightly with a minimum of care in your very own Liebherr!

Lastly, we would like to conclude with a Fairy-Fun Fact –
Fairies in ancient times hid behind gooseberry bushes to avoid danger and hence it was popularly known as “fayberry.” How truly fruity-licious!